Reverse Mortgages and Property Taxes []

Reverse Mortgages and Property Taxes []

I was just reading another article that was using the fact that if you get a reverse mortgage and then don't pay your property taxes then you could lose your home. Really, well I am not old enough yet to get a reverse mortgage so I happen to have a regular forward mortgage and guess what, if I don't pay my property taxes I will lose my house also. If you are lucky enough to be like my neighbor and have your home paid off but you don't pay your property taxes then you will also lose your home.

I find it interesting that these big News Companies let their writers get away with such poor facts in their stories. While yes it is true if you have a reverse mortgage and don't pay your property taxes the government can take your home, but that is nothing different or unique about a reverse mortgage, that is the country we live in.

I wonder if these great Reporters realize how many people they have caused to lose their homes because they scared seniors out of doing a reverse mortgage a year or two ago and now the senior is trapped in a regular mortgage that they can no longer afford to make the payments on.

We see this every day, in fact we have a senior in Pennsylvania right now that told us they were going to do this two years ago but all the negative press convinced them to wait, well now their home has come down in price and margins have gone up because of the bad economy and for them to do the reverse mortgage they have to come up with around $ 60,000 to close out their old mortgage.

This type of situation is a common one for us to see in the industry and it is painful to see these older folks that we could have helped if they had taken action a year or two ago.

We had one client wait just a few weeks because some family member wanted to think about it and it caused the borrower to get about $ 15,000 less because interest rates went up.

For all of you want-to-be do-gooders, shut up if you don't know what you are talking about! Learn the facts before you write your next article and if it is a family member just ask yourself two questions, first do you really know the persons financial situation that you are giving advice too? Second, if you were in their shoes what would you do?

The reverse mortgage is just another financial tool, nothing more or less. It is not evil and the people that offer it are not scam artists, how many seniors did you help this year save their homes? I have helped over 200 older folks stay out of foreclosure this year and live better lives.

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