Mortgage Refinance Solutions []

Mortgage Refinance Solutions []

London and Country's David Hollingworth told Mortgage Solutions: "While some people are finding mortgage payments have never been so low, for many it's their major outgoing. With other costs like fuel and food rising, these budgets are being squeezed ... Brokers say clients are struggling with mortgage debt

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(Click "More Info" to see full video script!) www.60MinuteLoanModification visit for a free CD on Mike Rockwood's experience modifying 5 of his own home loans - and how you can too. Ask Mortgage Modification questions on our forums at http Today workouts are the way we refer to the variety of solutions that homeowners and lenders are using to deal with the housing crisis. Workouts include re-finance, mortgage modifications, repayment plans, forbearance, deferments, deed-in-lieu, short sale and foreclosure. Whew! With all these options, youd think we would be moving more quickly towards stabilization, no? Well, since they are all very costlyevery party involved is slow to take-the-medicine. Here is an update on each: Re-finance: As the housing bubble inflated it was periodic re-financing (to take out equity) that contributed to the pain that many of us now feel as the bubble rapidly deflated. Today, re-fi activity is le ss as values have fallen so low. For the fortunate ones who still have considerable equity in their homes re-financing to a lower rate can be a great value. It is projected that interest rates will remain low for an extended period, so activity in this area should continue for some time. President Obamas Housing Assistance Program encourages the use of re-fis to help homeowners who are only very slightly underwater on their mortgages. Mortgage Modifications: This is the hot workout for 2009. It is expected that over 2 million modifications will be granted ... Mortgage Solutions: Mortgage mods and more

Mortgage Refinance

The economy is down, buying power has plummeted, and debt is at an all time high. It seems as though there is no end in sight to the issues, but this year is the best year for refinancing your home. Real Estate prices, value, and interest are at an all time low. If your original loan has a fixed interest rate then now if the perfect opportunity to refinance due to the fact that fixed interest rates have dropped considerably. Refinancing could could result in a more favorable interest rate.

Mortgage Refinancing benefits

Refinancing allows opportunity to capitalize on your personal finances. If you are in need of extra cash then refinancing can be of great help. Our mortgage payments are the largest monthly expense and reducing the payment while taking advantage of extra currency is ideal for those individuals needing a solution to thier personal finance problems.

Refinancing allows you to take advantage of the equity in your home and utilize your largest personal asset.

Lower Rates & Lower Payments

At the time of the purchase of your home interest rates are dictated by the financial enviroment. Other factors that influence your interest rate are credit ratings and down payment amounts. Interest rates fluctuate up or down and when the federal reserve enters a cutting rate period the interest rate could be dramatically reduced resulting in lower interest rates and lower payments. Refinancing allows you to take advantage of exchanging higher to lower interest rates thus reducing your monthly payment.

Mortgage Length Reduced

Refinancing allows you the opportunity to shorten the length of your mortgage.

You can potentially save thousands of dollars in interest by refinancing your mortgage. You can take a 30 to 40 year mortgage and reduce it by half allowing you to taking advantage of a lower interest rate and also building equity by maintaining the same monthly payment with a lower finance rate. You would be paying more to the principal rather than the interest.

Adjustable Rate Vs Fixed Rate

Adjustable rate mortgages fluctuate up and down versus fixed rates remain stationary. Factors that influence fixed vs adjustable are the real estate market. If you are in a financial situation that will potentially change in the future then you might want to opt for an adjustable rate. For those who are comfortable financially they may want to opt for a fixed rate. Your monthly mortgage is the largest monthly expense and an adjustable and or fixed rate can dramatically affect your monthly expenses.

Utilize Your Equity

The single most important and useful method of mortgage refinance is to utilize the equity in your home that you have acquired and refinance for a higher amount of your current principal balance. This will allow you to take full advantage of the extra funds. Some will capitalize on many aspects such as home renovation to stimulate appreciation of the value of the home, debt consolidation ,and future funds.

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