Low APR Gas Cards [mortgageloan-processor.blogspot.com]

Low APR Gas Cards [mortgageloan-processor.blogspot.com]

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A gas credit card is very helpful to anyone today considering the high price of fuel. The key to a gas card is the APR%. In order to obtain a gas card that provides the consumer with an advantage to getting free fuel you need to make sure that your interest rate is at a very low percentage. You do not want to get a gas credit card that has a high interest rate, with a high yearly membership fee and no grace period this would take away your fuel advantage.

The idea behind the gas credit card is to earn points that are useable towards free fuel in order to save you at the pumps. The price of gasoline and oil over the past several years has more than doubled causing an alarming rise in customer complaints. The oil companies have joined with credit card companies to help compensate for the consumer by offering the card. This is a good plan for both the credit card company, Oil Company and most certainly the consumer.

The consumer just needs to make sure that the credit card company is not the one who makes out the best in the end by gaining by their high interest rates.

You can confer with different credit card companies the amount of interest that they will be charging you when it comes to using their card geared towards credit towards buying fuel. You also can make sure that if you are able to use the card to buy other products that the interest rate stays the same and you can still use the points to apply toward your fuel purchases.

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