How to Get Help with Mortgage Payments []

How to Get Help with Mortgage Payments []

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The SC Department of Consumer Affairs in partnership with the SC Attorney General is offering consumers a Mortgage Fraud Hotline. If you feel you have been the victim of mortgage fraud, call toll free 1-800-553-7723 to speak to a mortgage professional. Help is out there. Victim of Mortgage Fraud? Help is here!

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There are different options open to you to get help with mortgage payments. One of the best ways is through your mortgage company. They have options for both temporary and permanent help.

If you need temporary help, your best bet is to ask your mortgage company if they can extend you a forbearance. A forbearance is when your lender will allow you to either temporarily cease payments or have lower payments for a period of time. You will still need to makeup all payment amounts but this might be able to save you from late fees and from having your house go into foreclosure.

This is a temporary solution only and you should only ask your lender about this if your financial problems are temporary. Your lender may extend this option to you if you are unemployed or have short-term health problems. It is not an appropriate solution if your financial issues are long term and permanent.

If you have a permanent change to your financial situation, you may be able to get help with mortgage payments by a refinance of your loan.

Ask your lender if they can extend your loan term or if you can qualify for a lower interest rate on your loan so that the payments can be reduced.

You will likely have to prove to them that your financial problems are permanent. If you have gotten divorced or had a serious permanent medical injury, this may be the best option for you. The only way you will know if your mortgage company will offer you a solution is if you ask so it certainly does not hurt.

More How to Get Help with Mortgage Payments Issues

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