Insurance Rates Watertown Ny []

Insurance Rates Watertown Ny []

For more news and videos visit ☛ ‪ Follow us on Twitter ☛ ‪http Add us on Facebook ☛ ‪ And now we turn our attention to the housing market in the US where there's some good news for homebuyers. Mortgage rates have fallen to a record low. Here's more. In New York today, the benchmark 30-year fixed rate mortgage hit a record low for the fourth week in a row. According to's weekly national survey, the mortgage index dropped by 3 basis points to 4.32 percent. It added that this is the lowest level the fixed rate has reached since Bankrate started the weekly mortgage survey nearly 26 years ago. Over the past year the mortgage index has dropped 9 basis points. From 4.54 percent one year ago to 4.45 percent four weeks ago. And now it's at an all-time low of 4.32 percent. For those looking to get a good property this could mean the right time to spend. [Taisha Hutchison, Pr ivate Bank Employee]: "When I'm in the business of looking for a property of my own, I'd look for a good value. So it's a good buyer's market but not a great seller's market." As mortgage rates creep down again this week, investors worry about the shaky US economy and are keeping their eyes on Europe's remaining debt problems. [Guy Maine, Australian Tourist]: "It brings a nervousness in to the whole finance and banking arena around the world. And we've just been in Paris. There's a lot of nervousness about the French banks and the contagion that might spread to the ... Mortgage Rates Hit All-Time Low 4th Time in a Row

Insurance Rates Watertown NY

How Much Car Insurance Do You Need?
If you're like many people feeling the pinch, your tendency is to get the bare minimum of insurance coverage required by the law in your state. That's a good place to start, though those minimums may not fully protect you -- or your assets -- if you file a claim. We recommend getting more than the minimum coverage unless you are driving a beater and have no assets to protect.
Every state in the nation, except for New Hampshire and Wisconsin, requires that you have liability insurance, and that mandatory coverage varies according to state.

Bodily injury liability for one person in an accident
Bodily injury liability for all people injured in an accident
Property damage liability for one accident

So, for Alabama, the minimum requirements are $ 25,000 of bodily injury liability for one person, $ 50,000 bodily injury liability for all people and $ 25,000 property damage liability.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP), or Medical Payments (MedPay) in some states, pays for your own medical expenses, any lost wages and whatever other costs may arise when you're injured in an accident. It usually pays about 80 percent of your losses, and it also pays a death benefit. PIP is required in: Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Utah.
Some states also require you to purchase car insurance that will cover your own medical expenses, pain and suffering losses and, in some states, car damage in the event that the other motorist is at fault and is either uninsured or underinsured.
Even though each state has minimum (or no) requirements for bodily injury liability, it is will likely be in your best interest to purchase higher limits. If someone else is injured and you're at fault, the minimum liability coverage may not cover their medical expenses, in which case their attorney will most certainly come after your assets. It is commonly recommended that you purchase 100/300 limits of bodily injury liability. On the other hand, if your personal assets don't amount to much, you don't have a whole lot for them to bother about, so the minimum requirements might actually match you and will save you some despertaly needed cash.
Besides various forms of liability insurance, there is collision and comprehensive auto insurance coverage to consider. Collision covers damage to the policyholder's auto resulting from running into anything, be it another car, a fire hydrant, or a light post. Comprehensive coverage takes care of your car in the case of theft, fire, falling objects, explosions, or other unexpected problems.
Collision and comprehensive coverage are required in most lease contracts, and are essential if you own an expensive car. If you're driving an old rattletrap, However, and the sum of your premium and your deductible are close to or exceed the worth of your vehicle, you might want to consider doing without this coverage.
Before you purchase any type of vehicle insurance coverage, be sure to study your other insurance policies so you don't end up paying for something you don't need. If you have a decent health insurance plan, you might get away with purchasing the simple minimum personal injury protection coverage- or none at all if your state doesnt require it. However, you might end up paying a co-pay and deductible that wouldn't apply if you have PIP or MedPay.
Uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage could also be a great buy, even if you have full medical coverage, as it can pay for your pain and suffering damages. If you belong to an organization that offers roadside assistance, you don't need to purchase that through your insurer. The same thing applies for mechanical breakdown insurance if you own a newly financed or leased vehicle which is still covered under warranty.
It's easy to be exasperated of the money spent on insurance. Keep in mind that auto insurance will most likely come to your rescue at some point, so it's crucial to purchase a useful policy. Know what coverage you must have and know what additional coverage fits your lifestyle. Then if trouble strikes, you'll be ready.

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